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Trizeal Arcade

Trizeal uses 3 buttons, Both ships (Antares and XII) use them for different purposes:

A: Fires the ship’s main shot.
B: This button does different things according which ship are you currently using.
|Antares: “B” is called “Trans”, as every time you press it, you will switch between Wide, Missile and then laser (In that order). |XII: “B” activates the black hole bomb.

C: Just as “B”, “C” will make different things according to what ship are you currently using.
|Antares: “C” will deploy a screen clearing bomb, a pretty powerful one too, most enemies (large or small) will often die with a single bomb, alongside clearing bullets. |XII: “C” will use an autofire 15hz Button.

Players control and can transform a spaceship into three forms (which alternates weapon attacks), working through multiple levels and boss sequences.

Weapons for Antares are presented each with one color, “WIDE” as red, “MISSILE” as green and “LASER” as blue, each can be swapped out at any given time, it will also transform the shape of your ship, differences exist between 1P and 2P Antares ships Weapons for XII is a bit more straight-forward, XII only has a WIDE shoot that will increase up to 5, but XII has access to a backthruster and a side attack, XII also can get faster fire rates when combining “even” and “odd” frame AutoFire buttons (Just like in XII Stag/XII Zeal).

There are 6 levels in the game, they get progressively harder until the last stage which consists of only two bosses.

To play as XII: After inserting a coin, in the “PRESS START” screen, press “Right, Left, Left, Shoot (12 times)”. If you are playing on a port, should you press what button you have mapped as your shoot button, if it’s “A”, then you press A 12 times, if it’s “Y”, then you press it instead. A “XII” icon will appear in the top of the screen when done.

Activate In-game kill Ratio: After inserting a coin, in the “PRESS START” screen, HOLD “B+C” and press start, you can do the XII Ship code first and then this one to select the XII ship with the Kill Ratio. The “B”/”C” rule also applies in the ports for this one.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InsertCoinArcadeOfficial/
Email: insertcoinarcade@outlook.it

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Did You Know?

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start. This isn’t some secret society code; it’s the Konami Code. This sequence of button presses has appeared in over 100 games and is the cheat code equivalent of Open Sesame.

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